Options - The Message Pane
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The Message Pane options control the basic functionality of the message pane and how messages are displayed.

Display Header Details Bar  
Turn on and off the display of the header details bar, which appears between the message tree and message pane. The header details bar shows the message number, author and subject.  
In addition, the message header bar contains a 'Fixed Font' button 'F', and a drop-down list of character sets.  
·Click the 'Fixed Font' button to set the message pane display to temporarily use a fixed-pitch font. This can be useful when a message contains tables, program listings, ASCII art, etc.  
·Use the drop-down list of character sets to adjust the temporarily adjust the currently selected message's character set.  
bulbBecause the header details bar shows the message number, you may want to turn off the message number column altogether, so that there's more space for the rest of the columns.  
Check Spelling  
This option is clearly in the wrong place. It will be moved to the 'Program Settings' section!  
It controls whether spelling is checked when you post a message. Note that you can only enable this if you have installed the ISpell spell-checker system.  
No X-Faces  
X-Faces are the small, black & white picture that you see at the very top of some messages. Turn off their display with this option.  
You can add your own X-Face to your messages. See the Identities section for details  
No HTML Decoding  
Some people post messages containing the same text in two sections - a raw text section and an HTML section. Using HTML section allows your messages to use different fonts, colours, etc. like a web page.  
HTML messages are usually discouraged in USENET, because they waste resources by at least doubling the size of every message. In addition, they expose your computer to the risk of catching viruses etc.  
XanaNews does not let you post HTML messages, but it will display them if it finds them. Use this option to completely turn of the display of the HTML part of these messages.  
Wrap Lines at 'n' Characters  
Use this option to control how XanaNews wraps messages when displaying them in the message pane.